Paper language: Spanish

The Transverse Dimension:
Diagnosis and Relevance to Functional Occlusion
Diagnosis and Relevance to Functional Occlusion
AUTHOR: Ryan K. Tamburrino,, Normand S. Boucher, Robert L. Vanarsdall, Antonino Secchi,
Spanish abstract
Much focus of orthodontic diagnoses is placed on the sagittal and vertical dimensions. However, a proper evaluation of the transverse dimension must also have equal importance. Research has shown that interferences from an exaggerated Curve of Wilson due to a maxillary transverse deficiency play a role in centric relation (CR)/Central occlusion (CO) discrepancies, adverse periodontal stresses, and craniofacial development. This article illustrates three scientifically validated methods for evaluating the transverse dimension: Ricketts’ P-A cephalometric analysis, Andrews’ Element III analysis, and the University of Pennsylvania Cone-Beam CT Transverse analysis. The aim is to show methods using traditional cephalometry, study models, and cone-beam computed tomography, not to compare one method to another. The reader must then choose to use the method that is most appropriate for his practice.Download paper (PDF)
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1st FACE online symposium
The world is changing and in FACE, following tradition, we wont be left behind.
As we all know, we can’t travel or meet, so once again, we will take advantage of technology to turn the situation around.
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Two days full of experiences, thanks to the participation of 20 different clinics.
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