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Paper language: English
Paper language: Spanish
Paper language: English and spanish
14 - Implantes dentales para el control de la dimension vertical
Implantes dentales para el control de la dimensión vertical: Casos clínicos.
AUTHOR: Domingo Martín, Amaia Maté, Jaime Valenzuela, Iñigo Gómez Bollain, Pablo Goldenberg
English abstract
This article describes 5 clinical cases where dental implants and orthodontic treatment were used to correct open bites by intruding molars, which produces autorotation of the mandible. The result is the reduction of the lower facial third and correction of the overjet and overbite. The amount of molar intrusion is calculated by a diagnostic set-up done at the beginning of treatment. This set up can also help inplacing the implants in an optimal position for both anchorage purpo- ses and prosthodontic replacement.
Spanish abstract
Este artículo describe 5 casos clínicos en los que se combinó el usode implantes dentales y de ortodoncia para corregir mordidas abier- tas, mediante intrusión molar, que produce una anterorrotación man- dibular. Como resultado, se reduce el tercio facial inferior y se corrigensobremordida y resalte. La cantidad de intrusión es calculada median- te un modelo o set-up diagnóstico elaborado al inicio del tratamiento.Este set-up sirve de guía para la colocación de los implantes en unaposición óptima para la doble función de anclaje ortodóncico y de repo- sición protésica.

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The world is changing and in FACE, following tradition, we wont be left behind.

As we all know, we can’t travel or meet, so once again, we will take advantage of technology to turn the situation around.

«Work hard, play hard«

Two days full of experiences, thanks to the participation of 20 different clinics.

We’ll see you on February 26 and 27