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Paper language: English
Paper language: Spanish
Paper language: English and spanish
Empleo de microtornillos en la tuberosidad del maxilar: casos clínicos.
AUTHOR: Aznar Arraiz, J. Martín Salvador, D. Arias-Camisón Lilly, P.
English abstract
INTRODUCTION: The use of retromolar microscrews in the maxillary tuberosity allows orthodontic movements in the upper arch in the three planes of space. It is an ideal treatment in hyperdivergent patients with open bite and class II malocclusions where vertical control is required. We present 4 clinical cases treated under this treatment modality. KEYWORDS: skeletal anchorage, microscrews, retromolar anchorage, pterygoid anchorage, distalization, vertical control.
Spanish abstract
INTRODUCCIÓN: El empleo de microtornillos retromolares en la tuberosidad del maxilar permite realizar movimientos ortodóncicos en la arcada superior en los tres planos del espacio. Es un tratamiento ideal en pacientes hiperdivergentes con mordida abierta y maloclusión de clase II donde se necesita realizar control vertical. Se presentan 4 casos clínico tratados bajo esta modalidad de tratamiento. PALABRAS CLAVE: anclaje esquelético, microtornillos, anclaje retromolar, anclaje pterigoideo, distalización, control vertical.

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The world is changing and in FACE, following tradition, we wont be left behind.

As we all know, we can’t travel or meet, so once again, we will take advantage of technology to turn the situation around.

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