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Paper language: English
Corticotomies and Orthodontics in the FACE philosophy: 15 years of success
AUTHOR: Gomez I, Martin D, Canabez A, Senosiain A, Mate A, Aznar J, Zabalegui I
English abstract
The FACE group started using Corticotomies and the Concept of Surgical Orthodontics almost 15 years ago. The main reason was to help us slightly exceed the biological limits and thus be able to achieve our treatment goals. This procedure has helped us obtain successful and stable results over time, the objective of this article is to share our experience of 15 years with 7 clinical cases of patients with different malocclusions treated in four different orthodontic offices

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1st FACE online symposium

The world is changing and in FACE, following tradition, we wont be left behind.

As we all know, we can’t travel or meet, so once again, we will take advantage of technology to turn the situation around.

«Work hard, play hard«

Two days full of experiences, thanks to the participation of 20 different clinics.

We’ll see you on February 26 and 27