Türkan Nadire Yesil 29.09.22

Hello dear FACE friends.

Here is a case that again shows us the importance of DIAGNOSIS. This patient came to our office with complaining that sth going wrong with her teeth. She went many dentists and they all said that nothing wrong with her but she feels this very strongly. When we started to ask, she said she has no pain in TMJ, no pain in masticatory muscles. When we looked at her mouth, we saw tooth wear and abfractions and then asked detaily and had some more clues about orthopedic instability. So it was decided to start with splint therapy. After splint therapy, we decided to get extracted 14, 34 and 44 to have symmetric occlusion and proper overbite, overjet. Because she had already lost 24 before. We also warned her about prothetic rehabilitation after ortho; because of tooth wear and abfractions. She said she will think about it but not in a good condition because of economic things. We tried our best. At last you could see in modjaw records that we achieved a good protrusion that no touch in posterior teeth and repeatable and in arc of closure open close and centric relation. Nice to see this with these records.

Greetings from Turkey☺️

Alberto Caballero Avellaneda 26.09.22

Dear colleagues:

My name is Alberto Caballero Avellaneda, an orthodontist who recently graduated from the Master’s Degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at the University of Seville (Spain). It is an honor to continue with this series of cases together with my fellow master’s students. I would like to thank Dr. Domingo Martín for those days of evaluation at the University of Seville, in which we were able to enjoy his presence and teachings and of course for offering us the opportunity to publish the cases in this honorable web page. I would also like to thank all the members who make up the magnificent cast of professors of the Master of Orthodontics at the University of Seville, especially the instructor of this case, Dr. Mabel Marmesat, and particularly Dr. Enrique Solano Reina, who introduced me to the marvelous world of Orthodontics and gave me the opportunity to learn for 3 years alongside fantastic colleagues.

As we have learned, «mechanics, although indispensable for treatment, is simply a means to an end». We strongly believe in the need for thorough diagnosis and setting well-defined treatment goals, followed by common sense biomechanics. The choice of orthodontic appliance plays, in my humble opinion, an important but secondary role.

Thank you all very much and I hope you have a nice day.

Marta Pérez Bocanegra 08.09.22

Dear colleagues:

I am Marta Pérez Bocanegra, recently graduated from the Master of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at the University of Seville (Spain). It is an honor to start publishing a series of cases together with my colleagues in the master’s program. Thus, I share with you here the case I presented in July as the closing of the master’s degree. I would like to express my gratitud to Dr. Domingo Martin, who acted as external examiner of the cases of our promotion, for giving us the opportunity to publish our cases in this prestigious website. I would like to take this opportunity to also thank all my professors of the Master of Orthodontics, especially to Dr. Saúl González, who guided me in a very correct way in the resolution of this case (which my colleague Tibere Francoise began) and to Dr. Enrique Solano Reina for giving me the opportunity to train with him and to belong to this great family.

Greetings to all.

Mylo Sherrington 23.08.22

Hi! This Case was approached with a digital 3D Treatment Objectives Prototype where we could see that molar distillation was possible and then start the treatment using skeletal anchorage (mini plates) both upper and lower in a total of 18 month of treatment. Digital superimposition are showed, hope you like the case!

Mylo Sherrington 16.08.22


Dejo un caso donde la paciente tuvo un largo tratamiento previo con 4 exodoncias, esto no solucionó su clase II esqueletal.

Mediante simulación digital de su ortodoncia y la Simulamos la oclusión postquirúrgica vimos que existe factibilidad para la fase quirúrgica, por lo que desprogramamos la mandíbula por 6 meses con splint parcial inferior.

La planificación quirúrgica se hizo con los protocolos de cirugía splintless que usamos en ICOR.

La ortodoncia postquirúrgica fue rápida y en poco tiempo pudimos tener el caso terminado y a la paciente feliz.

Saludos a todos!

Domingo Martin 8.07.22

Today I present an interdisciplinary case I started in 2006. The patient presented a Clsss II,severe overbite and agenesis of 12 and 22.He was treated in first phase with extractions of 14 and 24 to compensate for the arch length discrepancy.We then waited for the permanent dentition and then started the second phase of treatment.Once this was achieved the case was finished with composite retorations for the final esthetic result by Dr Aner Usarraga.


Monika Sawicka 4.05.22

Dear friends,

I would like to share a case of teenage girl with a chief complain of intensive headaches. She had first point of contact on hanging palatal cusps of second upper molars. The headaches disappeared during the first month of splint therapy. Please notice the change of the head posture, of the occlusal plane and improvement of the airways. Occlusal adjustments and final Bioesthetics was done by Leszek Sawicki.


Iryna Gergel 7.04.22

Dear colleagues.

I would like to present this interdisciplinary clinical case which proves the importance of full diagnostics and goal oriented treatment if you want to achieve perfection. Made in Ukraine!

First of all I would like to thank Natalie, for being such a great patient! And also to my second home, Клініка естетичної стоматології Мирослави Дрогомирецької with the greatest teacher of all times and my mentor Мирослава Дрогомирецька. To a great dedicated surgeon Andriy Huk. To my prosthodontist Дмитрий Зражевский who is addicted to his profession.. To my good friend, master of esthetics Лілія Кухта.

And above all, to @Domingo Martín. Your passion to fight for excellence, leaves no space for compromises. Not in life choices, as well as in orthodontics.

Emma Vilaró Gonzalez 1.03.22

Queridos amigos de FACE REVOLUTION: Somos Emma Vilaró y Carlos Agulló. Queremos presentar nuestro primer caso en FACE REVOLUTION. Es un tratamiento interdisciplinar de ortodoncia y composites. En marzo en el FACE Meeting de Madrid presentaremos más casos de Ortodoncia y Prostodoncia.

Dear friends of FACE REVOLUTION: We are Emma Vilaró and Carlos Agulló. We want to present our first case in FACE REVOLUTION. It is a interdisciplinary treatment of orthodontics and composites. In March at the FACE Meeting in Madrid we will present more Orthodontic and Prosthodontic cases.

Bea Celis

Dear friends, the ortoestetic team, Dr. Arantxa Senosiain Oroquieta and Dr. Beatriz Celis González share with you a case of open bite treated with miniplates for vertical control and with a final prosthodontic phase.In addition, both Dra. Senosiain and me are happy to participate as speakers in the next international Face meeting that will take place in Madrid on March 25 and 26 and we remind you that tomorrow is the last day to sign up with a reduced fee.Don´t miss the opportunity to attend and learn so many topics of the most current orthodontics.

Here you have the link: