Curso de ortodoncia en la UCM

El grupo FACE sigue en continua formación. Esta vez el Dr. Íñigo Gómez Bollain acudió al máster de ortodoncia de la UCM a explicar a los alumnos el enfoque de la filosofía FACE con respecto a los Implantes y la Ortodoncia. 

Clase de Íñigo Gómez Bollain

Clase de Iñigo Gómez Bollain en el máster de periodoncia e implantes de la UCM. Durante toda la mañana estuvo compartiendo conceptos de erupción forzada del grupo FACE.

Face Meeting Importancia del trabajo en Equipo

Este fin de semana el grupo FACE ha organizado un curso donde se ha reforzado el mensaje de la importancia de trabajar en equipo. Nuestro amigo de Estambul el Dr Melih Sengül un protodoncista de referencia ha presentado junto con los doctores Martin y Canabez un curso de Ortodoncia y Prostodoncia. #occlusionmatters


Dear Friends – This past week I was invited to give two back to back courses in Leon and Querétaro Mexico. The first course was in Leon-Guanajuato and it was about the importance of diagnosis in Orthodontics. The two day course was «The Key to Success is all about Diagnosis” and more than 150 doctors were present and it was an incredible success. Clearly an indication that more than ever diagnosis should be an integral part of orthodontic treatment. Our patients are more than just teeth!! The next course was a three day course in Querétaro and the topic was “Interdisciplinary treatment”. The importance of working in a team environment to be able to obtain excellence was covered and how today this an absolute necessity since we treat more and more adults today. As always took advantage to visit the beautiful cities of Leon, Guanajuato and Querétaro.

SIDO 2021

Two weeks ago I was in Florence, Italy invited by the Italian Society of Orthodontics (SIDO) to give a conference at their congress with more than 2000 attendees. I spoke about the importance of using skeletal anchorage to solve complex cases, thanks to this new way of doing orthodontics, in many cases surgeries can be avoided. Orthodontics with the introduction of skeletal anchorage is new way of doing orthodontics and makes us much more effective and better orthodontists. We enjoyed the autumn weather and visited the beautiful city of Florence.

Tecnología 3D y 4D para un mejor tratamiento de los pacientes

Tecnología 3D y 4D para un mejor tratamiento de los pacientes

La tecnología ha marcado y está marcando un antes y un después en la práctica odontológica. Si tradicionalmente se trabajaba con modelos de escayola para cualquier diagnóstico en ortodoncia, ahora gracias a los modelos digitales y a pantallas táctiles se puede analizar la superficie de los dientes a un mayor tamaño para detectar, por ejemplo, facetas de desgaste.

BDS se convierte en el gran evento tecnológico para el sector dental en EspañaAlberto Canábez, profesor de FACE, ha compartido en el Congreso Nacional de Odontología Avanzada cómo es la ortodoncia del siglo XXI gracias a la planificación y ejecución de los tratamientos con tecnologías 2D, 3D y 4D. “Gracias a la tecnología 4D podemos ver el movimiento de las articulaciones mientras el paciente abre y cierra la boca, o mientras mastica”, ha señalado Canábez. Una tecnología que permite obtener información en tan solo cinco minutos y que ha dejado atrás el modelo tradicional de escayola. “Por primera vez los dentistas seremos médicos y no mecánicos de escayola”, ha bromeado Canábez.

Orthodontics and Prosthodontics in the beautiful city of Lviv

A few days ago, Dr. Martin returned from Ukraine where he gave a course on Orthodontics and Prosthodontics in the beautiful city of Lviv. Lviv is a city in the west of the country very close to the Polish border and historically it has belonged to Poland and previously to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Due to these influences it is a beautiful city and fortunately not devastated during World War II. It has beautiful squares, period buildings and everything very well maintained and restored. It is worth visiting. The course was a total success and Dr Melih Sengül aTurkish prosthodontist helped me give the course. We were very successful and they will surely invite us again shortly. Good orthodontics often require either partial or complete rehabilitation in many cases at the end of orthodontics to obtain aesthetics and function – that’s what we emphasized during the course. #occlusionmatters

Dr Martin gives a pre-congress course to the Danish Orthodontic Society

Recently Dr Martin has given a pre-congress course to the Danish Orthodontic Society in Billund, Denmark «the homeland of Lego.» He spoke for two days about the relationship of Occlusion with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. There were approximately 300 attendees and the The course was very successful and there were some very interesting discussions. This is the third time that Dr Martín has been invited to speak in Denmark. I was lucky enough to greet friends and enjoy the Danish landscape.

About FAS (FACE Aligner System)

A few days ago Dr Martín and Dr Canábez introduced the FAS (FACE Aligner System) system in Moscow, Russia to the Russian Society of Orthodontics.It was the first time that the new system had been presented in public. The FAS system developed by Drs Martin and Canabez is a true «game changer» and will soon be launched all over the world. The great contribution of FAS to the world of aligners is that it takes into account FUNCTION AND AESTHETICS. We are convinced that orthodontics is more than «just» aligning teeth. Unfortunately all the aligners on the market today are only concerned with aligning teeth and that is not enough in our way of seeing orthodontics. FAS takes into account function when planning treatment.The course was a total success and in March we are going to introduce it to the Spanish public in Madrid.

A 2-day course in San Sebastian

A few days ago, Dr. Martín from San Sebastián and Dr. Canábez from Barcelona gave a 2-day course in San Sebastian where they explained the importance of using 4D in the  orthodontic office on a daily basis. They introduced the attendees to the latest in 4D technology, the ModJaw device. This device is capable of registering jaw and joint movements in real time. It is a very important advance in our profession since since it will allow us to be able to make more precise diagnosis and especially in the treatment of patients with dysfunction of the jaw joint. Both Dr. Martin and Dr Canabez already use the device routinely in their offices.