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Paper language: English
17 - Orto Bioestethics Symbiosis
Orthodontics and Bioesthetics: A Perfect Symbiosis
English abstract
In this article we present the concept of bioesthetics as a tool to help ortho- dontists achieve their final treatment goals: facial esthetics, dental esthetics,functional occlusion, periodontal health, and long-term stability. These goals cannot always be met with orthodontic treatment alone, but with the help of bioesthetics we can now treat patients who have significant dental wear, slight skeletal discrepancies, and centric relation-centric occlusion discrepancies and still meet all our initial treatment objectives. We will present five clinical casesthat illustrate the principles of bioesthetics; in all of the cases we begin by do- ing preprosthetic orthodontics and finish with bioesthetics.

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1st FACE online symposium

The world is changing and in FACE, following tradition, we wont be left behind.

As we all know, we can’t travel or meet, so once again, we will take advantage of technology to turn the situation around.

«Work hard, play hard«

Two days full of experiences, thanks to the participation of 20 different clinics.

We’ll see you on February 26 and 27