Área canina

Face prescription in the canine area; this is how our philosophy has influenced to achieve efficiency in the position of the canines

Doctor Canábez explains it to us with practical cases


Gracias a la corticotomía, logramos movimientos más allá de los límites biológicos gracias a unos cortes en la cortical vestibular de los dientes para influir en el movimiento de la raíz.
En la filosofía Face llevamos más de 15 años trabajando este proceso, estas son las indicaciones en palabras del Doctor Gómez

Prescripción FACE en área molar

Dr Alberto Canabez explains the advantages of the FACE prescription for a good correction of the torque of molars that often cause the fulcrum which is responsible for many pathologies, including temporomandibular dysfunction.

Importancia del control vertical

«We must control the vertical growth of our patients.»
Do you know why Thomas Creekmore said this phrase in 1977?

Here is the explanation of Doctor Gómez Bollain concerning Dr Creekmore’s affirmation and its relation to solving most of our orthodontic problems.

When to use occlusal splints?

Aranzazu Senosiain talks about why and when we use occlusal splints. Additionally she shares some key insights and great tips with a clinical case.