Ufuk Demir 8.9.20
Hello everyone my name is Ufuk Demir and i am an orthodontist from Istanbul,Turkey
I would like to present a case that we have treated with stabilization splint and orthograthic surgery.
When she first visited our office she was already in pain for 4 years. In the past she used various type of splints (hard, soft, upper, lower) and also several kinds of medications(antidepressants, glucosamin chondroidin, naproxyn). She was treated by 4 different doctors and i was the 5th one. One of the doctors was a very famous TMD specialist in Istanbul and he said that some cases are untreatable and she is one of them.
She had asymmetry on her face with increased lower facial height, also she had a negative smile line. Intraorally she has CL1 occlusion with anterior open bite and a mild amount of crowding. When we mount the case in centric relation she didn’t have a large Co/Cr difference. She was in pain and her mandible was hard to manipulate and because of that we cannot trust the first mounting. In her cbct there was no active remodeling in the condyle but the condyle was functioning on the posterior. Because of her chronic pain, we started with full coverage stabilization splint full time. The splint was too thick and she was not the perfect patient. Even she was not perfect, her pain was started to lessen gradually. After several months of adjustment, the splint gets too thin in the posterior that it was perforated and from that point we moved into a 3 piece splint. Total splint time was more than 1 year. After the splint she had no pain but a much larger open bite.
While we were discussing the treatment alternatives we agreed on orthodontics followed by orthognathic surgery because of her asymmetry and retruded profile. Brackets and centric bite blocks were prepared indirectly and we started leveling. After leveling she was ready for surgery. In order to achieve a good occlusion and a good profile we planned a double jaw surgery starting from mandible followed by a multi piece maxillary Lefort1 with counterclockwise rotation of both jaws. Maxilla moved 4mm mandible moved 7,5mm forward. 7 months after surgery the treatment was finished and we achieved a good result both esthetic and functionally. The last video was taken 1 year after her treatment she still has no pain and no functional limitation.
Best regards to all of you from Turkey.
Featured clinical cases
A good result is always preceded by a good diagnosis and ours, are exhaustive. Orthodontics cannot be understood without taking into account the entire ectomatognathic system; teeth are just one of all the structures to consider.
FACE International meeting
It’s so nice to announce our FACE Revolution International Meeting. After a break of almost 18 months, we are again very excited about organizing the next FACE Revolution Meeting.
We are preparing it with great care and enthusiasm. You can’t imagine our desire to meet our friends and have a face-to-face meeting. The screens and online courses are fine, but there is nothing like gathering, enjoying the friendship and seeing each other again.
I want to thank you very much for your patience, since we had to postpone the meeting twice, but trust us it was worth the wait.
We hope to see you in Madrid and do not forget that “treatment mechanics is still the key to success for excellent orthodontics: with or without aligners”.