Roxana Rugina
Hello dear FACE Revolution friends! Today I would like to share an interdisciplinary case, a skeletal class II, hyperdivergent with severe crowding. The first treatment plan included orthognatic surgery to correct the facial esthetics but she refused, so we treated her non surgical.
Our second treatment plan included four premolar extractions with corticotomies in the lower jaw from one extraction site to the other, bone grafting and vertical control. After the ortho treatment, my colleague Dan Lazar continued the treatment with selective grinding and composites to achieve proper occlusal contacts and correct pathways.
Featured clinical cases
A good result is always preceded by a good diagnosis and ours, are exhaustive. Orthodontics cannot be understood without taking into account the entire ectomatognathic system; teeth are just one of all the structures to consider.
FACE International meeting
It’s so nice to announce our FACE Revolution International Meeting. After a break of almost 18 months, we are again very excited about organizing the next FACE Revolution Meeting.
We are preparing it with great care and enthusiasm. You can’t imagine our desire to meet our friends and have a face-to-face meeting. The screens and online courses are fine, but there is nothing like gathering, enjoying the friendship and seeing each other again.
I want to thank you very much for your patience, since we had to postpone the meeting twice, but trust us it was worth the wait.
We hope to see you in Madrid and do not forget that “treatment mechanics is still the key to success for excellent orthodontics: with or without aligners”.