Fred Pinheiro 28.3.20

Function meets Esthetics

Dear Colleagues I want to share with you this case of a 40 year old woman with severe tooth wear and previous history of orthodontic treatment. She had no TMJ or muscular pain and wanted to be treated if possible with no braces. We did splint therapy and reconstructed all the occlusion with direct composite restorations improving function, dental and facial esthetics . Because … #occlusionmatters

Domingo Martín 25.3.20

Dear colleagues in times of crisis we need to continue to study…share and make our small contribution. We have created FACE Revolution to start our journey. Why Revolution??? Because we want to share with you the paradigm shift that is happening in our profession. It´s no longer Class I, Class II etc, etc…it´s all about orthopedic stability and chewing. We encourage all of you to present cases and share your experiences and knowledge….let the show begin! #FACE#occlusionmatters

Domingo Martín 15.4.20

Today I am presenting a 19 year old girl who came to get her teeth aligned AND what seemed an easy routine case became a little more challenging after our complete diagnosis and taking into account ALL OF OUR TREATMENT GOALS

Domingo Martin 13.5.20

Today I present a quite challenging case. Her chief complaint was an impacted canine, after our diagnostic process we saw that she had a dislacerated upper right lateral. This changed our treatment plan and below you will see exactly what was done. #occlusionmatters

Dan Andrei Iacob 28.3.20

Hello everybody!

It is a great honor to be able to share cases and learn from FACE friends and colleagues in this group.

This post is about the importance of diagnosing vertical problems, vertical control mechanics and of course, orthopedic stability.

The fact that changes in the vertical dimension occur together with changes in the anteroposterior dimension makes control of the vertical dimension an important aspect in planning orthodontic treatment.

The patient had already been treated once, but presented with TMJ spontaneous and palpation pain and limiting mouth opening.

Splint therapy was indicated in the first phase to eliminate the symptoms and obtain a stable condylar position.

CMS and TPA are great tools for vertical control mechanics.

Thank you!

Dan Andrei Iacob 22.2.20

FACE orthodontics it is about proper diagnostic, understanding of the concept of growth and driving the treatment in accordance with it, to allow improvement of function and facial aesthetics. 

”To extract, or not to extract?”, is not the right question. 

The correct questions should be: what is the growth pattern of the patient, where should the incisors be ideally positioned, what is the ideal relationship between the soft tissues, do the biological limits allow the preservation of all dental units?

Presented is CCW grower patient treated with non extractional mechanics to promote posterior rotation of the mandible, increase of the lower third of the face and a better aesthetic and functional outcome.

Dan Andrei Iacob 20.5.20

Maxillary lateral incisors agenesis case are always difficult. Options are space opening, or canine substitution.

In this case skeletal pattern and facial aesthetic analysis were indications for space opening and insertion of dental implants.

Due to the patient’s age at the beginning of treatment (12 years), we preferred to open the space for dental implants, away from the aesthetic area (at the level of first premolars) and insertion at the end of treatment of temporary dental implants and temporary dental crowns, until growth is complete.

Dan Andrei Iacob 2.4.20

Hello everybody,

This is another retreatment case of a 19 years female patient, previously treated by an unknown orthodontist, for a class I, open bite malocclusion, using intermaxillary vertical elastics. 

The initial records were lost and the patient presented in my office, with a mild relapse of the lower incisor crowding, but also with pain in both TMJ and «open lock» episode.

After TMJ stabilization on splint, orthodontic treatment with 4 second bicuspid extractions was initiated.