This 14 year old female has been shown to countless orthodontists over the world. Most note minor crowding, mild over bite and an upper lip contour that is flat often referred to as an obtuse labial nasal angle. Over 90% of the audiences say ‘non extraction’ and with fixed lingual retainers forever.
A FACE trained orthodontist will evaluate the occlusion, smile and facial esthetics, long term perio health, patency of airway, TMJ and stability.
The treatment plan was determined by evaluating mounted models, a VTO, knowledge that her facial pattern was an open bite tendency and knowing the elements of an attractive smile and facial balance.
As a result four 2nd bicuspids were removed followed by reciprocal space closure with braces.
Photos 5 years post ortho (the last 3 years with NO retainers) shows stability, no wear on permanent teeth.
I believe a non extraction plan would not have the same successful outcome.