Straty Righellis 6.4.20

This 14 year old female has been shown to countless orthodontists over the world. Most note minor crowding, mild over bite and an upper lip contour that is flat often referred to as an obtuse labial nasal angle. Over 90% of the audiences say ‘non extraction’ and with fixed lingual retainers forever. 

A FACE trained orthodontist will evaluate the occlusion, smile and facial esthetics, long term perio health, patency of airway, TMJ and stability. 

The treatment plan was determined by evaluating mounted models, a VTO, knowledge that her facial pattern was an open bite tendency and knowing the elements of an attractive smile and facial balance. 

As a result four 2nd bicuspids were removed followed by reciprocal space closure with braces. 

Photos 5 years post ortho (the last 3 years with NO retainers) shows stability, no wear on permanent teeth. 

I believe a non extraction plan would not have the same successful outcome.

Roxana Rugina 29.4.20

Not a complicated case, but one that brought big satifsaction to the patient and to the interdisciplinary team. His chief complaint was the tooth wear on the front teeth. He did not have any TMJ or muscle issues, easy to guide with a CR-CO shift. After the orthodontic treatment, Alex Rugina

restored the worn upper incisors and canines with composite in order to have proper guidance. The treatment objectives of orthopedic stability, a functional and esthetic occlusion, long term stability and patient satisfaction were achieved treating the problem right from the beginning.

Roxana Rugina 27.3.20

Dear friends, it’s a great pleasure for me to be able to post in this wonderful group, created by my mentors and friends who continue to inspire me even in difficult times such as these. I try to follow Domingo

s advise to use this time the best I can, to read and learn and improve myself. I’d like to share with you a case of mine, with a very large CR-CO discrepancy, no Tmj or muscle pain, a skeletal class III, anterior crossbite, small upper laterals and an impacted canine. We opted for orthodontic camouflage, expose the impacted canine, correct the anterior cross bite, open spaces between the small laterals and the canines for future reconstruction and obtain a stable and functional occlusion and good esthetics.

Resai Aydın 3.4.20

Dear friends,

This is an high angle adult interdisciplinary case. In this particular case I used the advantage of upper and lower dental implants to control the vertical. Patient did not use any intermaxiller elastics through treatment. The treatment plan is creating an implant space for 6` by the extraction of 8` and distalization of 7`, Finally using these implants for intrusion and vertical control.

At the beginning patient doesn`t have TMJ problems but had a big potential with an uncontrolled orthodontics. That`s why controlling the vertical at this particular cases mostly saving our lives also the patients` at the same time.

Composite restorations done by dt. Sadik Yuksel and implants by dr. Faysal Ugurlu.

Warm regards from Istanbul Turkey

Take care of yourselves.

Oscar Palmas 5.5.20

I am Oscar Palmas an orthodontist from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I first of all want to congratulate the FACE group in Spain for this wonderful idea. The cases that are presented are incredible and I hope I can contribute to FACE Revolution. I am presenting a case of 4 extractions that were done to achieve all of our treatment goals. These in many instances are not easy to obtain and so in the end we need to do occlusal adjustment to close the vertical and obtain the occlusion we feel is best for our patients. #occlusionmatters

Milo Sherrington 22.4.20

I am Milo Sherrington a FACE orthodontist from Santiago Chile and today I want to present a 22 yrs old female who was treated orthodontically previously and whose chief complaint was orthodontic relapse and TMJ signs and symptoms. She is a surgery case however she does not want surgery so we do Class II compensation mechanics after a complete diagnosis.

Luis Felipe Tavera 1.6.20

Hola amigos

Soy Luis Felipe Tavera, ortodoncista de la ciudad de Morelia, Mexico.

Quiero compartir con ustedes el caso de una niña clase ll la cual fue tratada con extracciones superiores y stripping en la arcada inferior para poder compensar su problema.

En este caso no se utilizó ningún elástico intraoral en todo el tratamiento.

Hello, friends.

I am Luis Felipe Tavera, orthodontist from Morelia city, Mexico. 

I want to share with you the case of a class ll girl, who was treated with upper extractions and stripping in the lower arch to compensate for her problem.

In this case no intraoral elastic was used in the whole treatment.

Korkmaz Sayınsu 8.4.20

Dear colleagues,

This is the first case presentation I have ever shared in social media. I am proud to be in FACE and again many thanks to my dear friend and mentor Domingo Martin for creating such a beautiful group. I also thank all the FACE doctors who taught me a lot and changed my vision!

Take care everybody… #occlusionmatters

Iñigo Gomez 27.3.20

Dear colleagues,

Extractions are not always a matter of tooth discrepancy. Sometimes they are necessary to IMPROVE facial esthetics, and to achieve proper function and stable results.

I would like to share with all of you this case. Extractions were indicated with 0 mm of tooth discrepancy to achieve all the FACE principles. Because… #occlusionmatters.