Dan Andrei Iacob

Hello, dear FACE friends! Today I’am presenting a case that orchestrates interrelationship between various branches of dentistry and orthodontics. It exhibits how multidisciplinary approach can be used to achieve orthopedic stability, functional occlusion and ideal dental esthetics.

Roxana Petcu

Hello FACE Revolution friends! 🤗 I would like to share a case I treated together with my colleague Dan Lazar and with the help of Jakab Daniel, the dental technician. The patient happens to be a very dear friend of us and also our physiotherapist who helps us treat many TMD patients, Manuela Lalu. The FACE principles helped us in this case to set clear goals and envision them, to be face driven, obtain a good and stable occlusion with respect to the joints and the periodontium. The treatment plan and treatment sequence are explained in detail in the slides.

Felipe Arroyo

Dear colleagues, I want to share a case with you from Ecuador, treated with the FACE philosophy. This case was resolved with 2 extractions of upper second premolars and skeletal anchorage. Enjoy it!

Ámbar Zalnieurinas

Dear FACE Friends today Dr.Ambar Zalnieriunas from Venezuela presents a beautiful surgery case and shows follow up records 8 years post treatment. She presents a case of a 15 year old female with dental esthetic concerns and and complains of TMJ pain when chewing and joint sounds. We want to thank Ambar for her dedication and incredible effort.ENJOY #occlusionmatters

Марина Курчанинова

Hello Dear Colleagues. Today I’m presenting a case that demonstrates a vertical control in a growing patient. We are now finished with the first stage of treatment and are waiting for the second one. Thanks to FACE philosophy!

Alfonso Ferrer Hernández 5.1.21

Dear Colleagues, I want to show you this skeletal clas II case with upper first premolar extractions.

Stripping of the lower arch was done in order to achieve functional overbite and overjet.

The total treatment time was 25 months.

Once the treatment was finished, a periodontal evaluation was recommended for a possible gingivectomy of all front teeth. We also wanted to restore the small maxillary permanent lateral incisors. The patient refused to have any of the above procedures done.

I want to thank all my friends from FACE Revolution for the support specially to my mentor and good friend Domingo Martin. He taught me many years ago how to treat a case like this. And show me that: 

a) extractions does not always mean retraction.

b) we don´t like to extract but when it is indicated we love it!!!!

c) extractions is not only a problem of making room for teeth. Sometimes we need to extract just to achieve our treatment goals.

Happy new year to you all,


Víctor Hernández 1.5.20

I am Dr Víctor Hernández from Puebla México and today I want to present to you a 14 years old girl whose chief complaint is the upper crowding.

After doing our diagnostic records she was diagnosed as a Skeletal Class I patient with increased jaw size, inclined upper incisor, upper crowding and mismatched midlines.

The Chin was deviated to the left for an oclusal instability

and the molar relationship was class II in right side and clase III in left side.

This case was treated without extractions and the success in completion and its stability over time is due to occlusal analysis before, during and the end of treatment.

Domingo Martín

Dear colleagues,

What would you do if a patient came to your clinic with a condylar fracture?

What if she is STILL GROWING? How would you treat her?

I want to share this case to show how we stabilized the occlusion to improve the residual growth, and the mandibular superimposition pre and post-treatment was taken to assess the changes (courtesy of @alexanderplaksin).

Teresa Flores Fraile 4.5.20

I want to share with you this class II malocclusion with transversal problem and slight asymmetry that I treated following FACE principles.