Carlos Becerra

Hello everyone! It’s a privilege for me to present the First promotional case of the Madrid FACE Meeting on March 22. A class II patient previously treated with two prems extractions.

Diagnosis, active self-ligated braces and two little Buccal Shelf mini screws were the key for treatment success. A brief non traditional mechanics where now with skeletal anchorage´s help we can achieve distalization and vertical control at the same time.

Hope u enjoy it!!!! Looking forward to seeing you in Madrid on March 22 ✈️

Iñigo Gómez Bollain

Dear Face Revolution friends,

As you know, diagnosis is key for the FACE philosophy.
I want to share this case with you to reinforce the importance of the diagnosis.
He is a class III patient who was going to be operated on.
With an adequate diagnosis, we were able to correct its occlusion and obtain a stable result over the years.
I hope to see you all in March in Madrid. There, we will talk in detail about the diagnosis in the different malocclusions.
A big hug.

Dan Andrei Iacob 3.11.21

Hello everybody!
Today I present a patient with TMD, who presented: joint pain, limited mouth opening and closed lock episodes. The patient was stabilized on a full coverage splint and it was associated physiotherapy and a distracting splint for capsule elongation exercises. After obtaining orthopedic stability, an intrusion device with palatal skeletal anchorage was used.
Best wishes!

Domingo Martín 15.09.21

Never give up when you want to save a Tooth !!!!!
The importance of never giving up and to always look for an expert opinion and to do everything possible to save a tooth
………Approximately 3 years ago a patient that I had treated more than 10 years ago came to the office almost 7 years after a bicycle accident. He complained of pain in the incisor region and I sent him to an endodontist specialist and he said that the tooth was suffering from occlusal trauma. The patient decided to go look for a second opinion since he did not want to wear orthodontic appliances again….and was told that the tooth had a fissure, that it had a bad prognosis and should be extracted.
I was determined to save his tooth and sent the patient back to Dr Borja Zabalegui (endodontist) and his brother Jon(periodontist)from Bilbao and both said that there was NO FISSURE and this was a typical case of OCCLUSAL TRAUMA.
THE PATIENT WAS FINALLY CONVINCED and we decided to place 6 brackets, recover the torque and eliminate the trauma. Here are the images one and two years post treatment.
Thanks to the correct diagnosis the tooth was saved
….#occlusionmatters !!!!!!!

Dan Andrei Iacob 27.07.21

Hello everybody,
I would like to present this case, in which I had the opportunity to make a 5 years recall, after the end of orthodontic treatment.
As always, the most stable cases are those in which we could obtain orthopedic stability at the level of TMJ and a functional, static and dynamic occlusion.
Best regards!

Türkan Nadire Yeşil 22.07.21

Hello FACE friends , this case is one of the important patients to me. Because when she first came to clinic, she was suffered from pain very much and depressed, she told that almost every night she went to E.R. to have injection for her pain. She was very sad, because she had pain but every dentist she went told her she had good occlusion and nothing wrong with her. Then she came to our clinic and after evaluation her, it was decided to start with splint therapy. After splint therapy, she was continued with orthodontic therapy. Now, she is very fine. The interview is made after 7 months of finishing , because she had anxiety about relaps. So she want to speak after a while. She is so happy and thankful right now. It is so nice to touch her life with right diagnosis and again I want to finish with Domingo’s famous words “DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE IN THE MOUTH”. Have a nice summer and greetings from Turkey🤗

Monika Sawicka

Dear Colleagues,
My name is Dr Monika Sawicka from Gdynia, Poland. I would like to share an interesting case that was diagnosed according to Face principles and treated in cooperation with phystiotherapist (Jolanta Wikaryjczyk) and prosthodontist (Leszek Sawicki). 18 years-old patient’s major complain was smile asymmetry. This simple case represents all that Face Philosophy is about. The combination of Face Orthodontics, physiotherapy and OBI dentistry resulted in orthopeadic stability, functional occlusion and dental esthetics.
I am amazed by all the cases already presented in this professional group. I would like tom congratulate to all of the presenters. Thank you Domingo for your outstanding idea of sharing the concept of FACE. I hope that my small contribution will be an interesting addition to this wonderful group. I hope you will enjoy it!

Dr Pablo Arias-Camisón Lilly

Queridos amigos de Face Revolution: Me siento muy honrado de hacer mi primera contribución a este fantástico grupo. Hoy presento una funda de cirugía ortognática tratada en nuestra oficina en San Sebastián. El caso es un paciente joven con exceso vertical maxilar, clase II y TMD. Los resultados que logramos (ortodoncistas y pacientes) son fantásticos, porque como siempre decimos: buenos pacientes, buenos resultados y fantásticos pacientes, fantásticos resultados.

Cristina Suárez Tuero

Queridos colegas, mi nombre es Cristina Suárez Tuero de Alicante, España. Me gustaría compartir con ustedes este caso que nos enseña lo importante que es hacer un buen diagnóstico con todos los especialistas involucrados.Esta paciente tuvo un accidente de motocicleta muy grave cuando tenía 18 años, en ese momento llevaba brackets (tenía 4 extracciones hechas). Su TMJ no estaba herido y no perdió ningún diente, pero tuvo que tener un tratamiento de endodoncia de los 4 incisivos superiores. Tristemente 15 años después comenzó el tratamiento de resorción externa y su dentista consideró que los dientes 1.1. y 2.2. tenían un mal pronóstico. Gracias a Dios estos dientes son ′′ desesperados ′′ pero no ′′ inútiles «….El movimiento de ortodoncia es una excelente herramienta para crear tejido blando y hueso. Decidimos extraer los dientes ′′ desesperados ′′ para mejorar la situación antes de la colocación del implante. Por supuesto, es obligatorio controlar la salud periodontal y la oclusión en cada cita o el tratamiento fallará.