Rafa Ecija

Our good friend Dr. Rafa Ecija won first prize in the Sanitas Premios Dental Star 2020 in the Best Clinical Multidisciplinary Case competition.

It was a national competition and there were dozens of cases presented and the five finalists had to defend their cases in front of a panel of experts.

After going through all these steps he came out victorious.

Congratulations RAFA. Today we are honored to present the winning case.

Fernando Ruiz Borsini

Hello FACE friends, my name is Fernando Ruiz, from Tucumán, Argentina, today I want to present you a case, the patient had frequent headaches…

Domingo Martín 31.8.20

To kick off the new semester, today I present a 29 yr old female who comes to the office complaining of TMJ pain, tooth wear and crooked teeth(sic) As in all cases we start with a THOROUGH DIAGNOSIS PROTOCOL.

Although this is nothing new, we are now in a moment in orthodontics where the dominating culture has transferred it’s ideas to the orthodontic diagnostic process. Words like “just do it” …..”keep it simple sir” “you can make it happen» «Everything is design, everything”…is what has permeated the minds of many young orthodontists today.

 So with this in mind, why spend time, effort and money to diagnose…it makes no sense. Just align the teeth and get it over with. However if we look at our profession as more than just a cosmetic profession we will see and understand the importance of a complete diagnostic protocol to build the foundations for future success. 

In my presentation I will stress the importance of a diagnostic protocol that leaves no stone unturned and looks at each and every aspect of the stomatognathic system.

A Complete Diagnosis is the Key to Success ……..#occlusionmatters

Bernardo Rodriguez Alonso

Hello Dear Colleagues!

I am Dr. Bernardo Rodriguez an Orthodontist from Mexico and I want to share a case of a 13yr old girl who had joint sounds, frequent headaches, cervical pain, facial asymmetry and crowding. Taking into account the complexity of the case we decided to start with a complete DIAGNOSIS.

Thanks to all FACE REVOLUTION members for sharing what you do!!

Arantxa Senosiain 29.3.20

Dear friends…..

One more day…one more clinical case….It´s a young girl that came to the office because she was uncomfortable with her bite and she had recently broken three lower incisors due to her occlusion. FACE is not only straighten teeth….Fortunately….OCCLUSION MATTERS.

Thank you to all FACE REVOLUTION MEMBERS for sharing your clinical cases!

Alberto Canábez 29.6.20

Dear Friends Today I’m presenting a case of severe tooth wear. The etiology of tooth wear has been largely discussed and at present, the majority of the profession agrees on its unavoidable consequences. The FACE group following Dr. Peter Dawson’s and Dr. Robert Lee’s principles is absolutely convinced that tooth wear is a consequence of an unstable chewing pattern mainly due to orthopedic instability (disharmony between the joints and the teeth). In this case, I explain the FACE treatment protocol for long term SUCCESS AND STABILITY #occlusionmatters join the REVOLUTION

Alberto Canábez 24.11.20

Hello dear colleagues, today I’m presenting a very meaningful case for me. This patient came after previous orthodontic treatment with a poor result. The first time I saw the patient, I told her she was an extraction case, and to my surprise, she absolutely agreed, in fact, she told me that she wanted to have tooth extractions… I got shocked because it was the first and so far, the only time I heard that!

The patient noticed her dental and facial aesthetics worsened as the treatment progressed and the teeth got more aligned, however, had a friend who’s had tooth extractions, and had better results.

Our treatment’s main goal is to reverse the bad tooth position as much as possible because of the alveolar bone shape limitations and the skeletal pattern.

The treatment biomechanics is based on shortening the arch length to achieve the occlusal plane levelling in a counter clock rotation manner.

We avoided the use of inter arch elastics during the space closure to avoid extrusive forces in the opposite direction of the treatment goal.

The Asher Face-bow helped on the anterior upper teeth correction and it was the choice because it has the perfect vector for the tooth correction.

I present the case long term follow up records.

The FACE treatment goals are a key to understand the diagnostic and an efficient tool to plan the treatment biomechanics as well

Thanks for your kind attention and Join the Revolution!

Juan Jose Rakela

Hello, my name is Juan Jose Rakela Pérez from Quito- Ecuador. I am very happy to be able to share with you this orthodontic case treated with the principles of the FACE Philosophy of vertical control and torque management.
I congratulate the initiative of all those who created FACE Revolution

Oscar Palmas

I am Oscar Palmas an orthodontist from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I first of all want to congratulate
the FACE group in Spain for this wonderful idea. The cases that are presented are incredible and I hope I can contribute to FACE Revolution.

I am presenting a case of 4 extractions that were done to achieve all of our treatment goals.

Melih Şengul

Dear face revolution friends,

It is my pleasure to share one of my case with you. I was thinking which one to post for a while but after I see so much discussion and criticism, I decided to post this case.

Some colleagues might say that;

There is no need to use the splint for increasing the VDO.

Why not just increase the VDO? Or why are we taking CBCT’s to look at the joints?

We can just start the treatment. There is no connection etc. etc.

Well this is a nice example for everybody see , what years of tooth wear can cause.

“The chewing system is not an articulator”

You might think that in years of wear when the VDO gets decreased the joints go down only with a hinge rotation. Well this is a very naive type of thinking. But actually it is generally unpredictable and can happen in many variations.