Is a great pleasure for me to share this case in such a prestigious Ortho group and I am thankful to Dr Domingo Martin for giving me this opportunity.
I followed Face philosopy that teached me a clear working protocol, the importance of diagnosis and oriented goal treatment and also the need for interdisciplinarity.
Patients complain was the upper crowding. She prezented CO-CR dicrepancy but no muscular or tmj pain. According to Face protocol, first the patient had a splint for 5 months. After splint therapy, based on the new recordings we planned orthodontic and restaurative treatment .
At the final of ortho treatment , the prosthodontist Dr Dan Lazar continued with selective grinding and composites to achieve proper occlusal contacts and guidance and also with the frontal restaurations , which made the patient absolutely happy with her smile.
Complex case handled with FAS
Dear Colleagues, I am honoured to present a new treatment concept in the FACE Philosophy—the FAS aligner system. Dr. Domingo Martin and I have been working tirelessly since 2020 together with Forestadent to make it the best aligner system in the market. FACE treatment goals and FACE desire for excellence remain intact. FAS is designed so that all users can obtain the quality of FACE treatment predictably, and patients have excellent results in record time. I present this case as an example. The reason for treatment was crowding of the lower teeth, and we all know how complex these cases can be. The case was treated by changing the arch form with FAS. Orthodontics was assisted with corticotomies of the posterior segments. The total duration of treatment was 220 days. I was never able to achieve the FACE treatment goals in such a short treatment time with a classic treatment approach using brackets. The first 20 sets of aligners were FAS Hard track® and the second set consisted of 12 Soft track® aligners.Aligners were changed every 5 days in the first phase and every 10 days in the second stage. Between phases we STOP and GO, when we scan the patient intra-treatment and send the models to plan the next stage with maximum precision.
Thank you very much for your comments.
Estimados colegas, tengo el honor de presentar un nuevo concepto de tratamiento en la Filosofía FACE: el sistema de alineadores FAS. El Dr. Domingo Martín y yo trabajamos incansablemente desde 2020 junto con Forestadent para convertirlo en el mejor sistema de alineadores del mercado. Los objetivos del tratamiento y la búsqueda de excelencia de FACE permanecen intactos. FAS está diseñado para que todos los usuarios puedan obtener la calidad del tratamiento FACE de manera predecible, y los pacientes obtengan excelentes resultados en un tiempo récord. Presento este caso como ejemplo. El motivo del tratamiento fue el apiñamiento de los dientes inferiores, y todos sabemos lo complejos que pueden ser estos casos. El caso se trató cambiando la forma de arcada con FAS. La ortodoncia fue asistida con corticotomías de los segmentos posteriores. La duración total del tratamiento fue de 220 días. Nunca pude lograr los objetivos del tratamiento FACE en un tiempo de tratamiento tan corto con un enfoque de tratamiento clásico con brackets. Los primer juego de 20 alineadores fue FAS Hard track® y el segundo juego constó de 12 alineadores Soft track®. Los alineadores se cambiaron cada 5 días en la primera fase y cada 10 días en la segunda etapa. Entre fases hacemos STOP y GO: Escaneamos al paciente intratratamiento y enviamos los modelos para planificar la siguiente etapa con la máxima precisión.
Muchas gracias por tus comentarios.
Dr. Domingo Martin Salvador 22.2.23
As promised today I am uploading the second case who is the sister of the case I showed on Monday.Although she is three years younger we did the EXACT SAME TREATMENT….both had agenesis of upper laterals and we extracted deciduous teeth in the upper arch to facilitate the eruption of 13 and 23 as far mesial as possible and enucleated both 14 and 24 in the lower arch to compensate for the bolton discrepancy.We then did pre prosthetic orthodontics and both results are excellent 4 years post treatment. Come and join the FACE GROUP IN JUNE…
Leszek Sawicki 8.2.23
Dear Friends,
My name is Leszek Sawicki, I am from Gdynia, Poland.
Today I would like to present a case of cooperation between Orthodontist (Monika Sawicka) and Prosthodontist (me), but first we would like to thank Domingo Martín, DrDomingo Martin Salvador and Alberto Canábez for their support and mentorship. Thank you for everything!
This case highlights the importance of diagnosis, defining the same treatment goals for Prostho and Ortho, and the need for good communication. We followed the FACE philosophy – TMJ stability first.
In this case, I encountered some difficulties – the patient did not allow for any changes on his lower six anterior teeth. Thus, the goal was to finish the case with function and achieve the perfect centric spots despite the limitations. Sometimes the perfect plan has to be modified without neglecting the principles.
See you in June in Bucharest, Romania at FACE International Meeting 2023.
Polish Couple, Monika and Leszek
Dr. Domingo Martin Salvador 20.2.23
Today I am presenting two cases treated more than 10 years ago and they are sisters and both treatments are miraculously the same and yet three years separate the sisters. Both cases have peg shape and irregular formed upper laterals. In both cases I decided to extract the upper laterals and to resolve the Bolton discrepancy I enucleated the lower first bicuspids).Therefore the canines became laterals and the bicuspids became canines. I have photos 4 years post treatment and unfortunately I have not seen the girls for more than 6 years.
In two days I will upload her sister….CASE Number 2
Hoy les presento dos casos tratados hace más de 10 años y son hermanas y ambos tratamientos son milagrosamente iguales y sin embargo tres años separan a las hermanas. Ambos casos tienen laterales deformados e hipoplásicos.
En ambos casos decidí extraer los dos laterales superiores y para resolver la discrepancia de Bolton enucleé los primeros premolares inferiores. Por lo tanto, los caninos se convirtieron en laterales y los premolares se convirtieron en caninos. Tengo fotos 4 años post tratamiento y lamentablemente no les he visto a las niñas desde hace más de 6 años.
Javier Aznar Arraiz 11.01.2023
I am Javier Aznar, an orthodontist at the Martin Goenaga clinic in San Sebastian. Today I present a case of a severe dolichofacial patient with a complete open bite treated with posterior miniplates and anterior microscrews. The case has been treated successfully thanks to mandibular autorotation which is responsible for the closing of her open bite. In addition to having achieved a significant improvement of facial esthetics,the case remains stable over time, having achieved orthopedic stability with our treatment. Many thanks to Dr. Domingo Martin for instilling in me every day the constant search for excellence in orthodontics and to Dr. Irina Gergel from Ukraine who has helped me in the preparation of the case that I show you. I look forward to seeing you all at the FACE congress in Bucharest, which will undoubtedly be the congress of the year.
Armando Dias da Silva 4.1.23
Usually I have been posting on how to treat transverse discrepancies in young adults.
This time I’m posting about VERTICAL CONTROL&SKELETAL ANCHORAGE and how it can be complex to treat patients with problems in this plan.
19yrs old girl, treated by a colleague 5 yrs before, now seeking re-treatment, rejected by two colleagues who are specialists in orthodontics in my hometown of Oporto due to the case complexity…
Patient presented a huge list of problems, as you can see in the presentation and I decided to treat the problem at its origin, and not by the easy solution of extruding upper incisors.
This because a careful and complete diagnosis has to be done individually and please DO NOT USE PROTOCOLS as each patient has its problems.
In this complex case, at least to my knowledge, the treatment involved avoiding any kind of upper incisor extrusion, real intrusion of the upper lateral segments promoting anterior mandible rotation and using -6º brackets in the lower incisors. Then, at the end, the stability of the case depends if the patient will or not have the responsibility to look for speech therapy.
I also posted the retention records.
As always diagnosis is the key… look for dental and skeletal aesthetics, functional occlusion, periodontal respect and long term stability.
Also, I would like to invite you to attend the next FACE
INTERNATIONAL MEETING, so go to the webpage ( and you will be amazed with the program, the speakers and the venue.
Don’t let our speciality turn into a cosmetic profession…orthodontics IS NOT EASY!
Andreea Biris 1.1.23
Dear friends,
My name is Andreea Biris, and I am from Sibiu, Romania.
I would like to start this wonderful year and share with you this case. This is my first case posted. First of all I would like to thank a lot to DrDomingo Martin Salvador and Alberto Canábez for their support, for the fact that they believed in me, and for sharing their knowledge with us.
27Y old female case came into the office with chief complaint: smile aesthetics, crowding, worried about gingival recession. She had previous orthodontic treatment, no TMD signs or symptoms. After doing the complete diagnosis we decided to treat this case with fixed appliance and corticotomies on both arches to improve the periodontal health. Thanks to my colleague dr. Boti Balogh Balogh for the surgery.
See you soon in Bucharest, Romania at Face Meeting 2023.
Details and registration here
Wish you all best wishes and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Dr. Domingo Martin Salvador 27.12.22
A 12 year old patient came to my offcie after three years after wearing an applinace that was suppose to close her bite…..after doing our complete diagnsois we decided that the best way was by place brackets and skeltal anchorage.After less than two years of treatment we were able to close her bite and avoid an orthognathic surgery case.I want to thank Dr Irina Gergel from Ukraine foe her help in preparing this case.
Juan Astolfi 17.11.22
Dear colleagues:
I am Juan Astolfi, recently graduated from the Master of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at the University of Seville (Spain). It´s an honor to start publishing a series of cases together with my colleagues in the master’s program. Thus, I share with you here the case I presented in July as the closing of the master’s degree. I would like to express my gratitud to Dr. Domingo Martin, who acted as external examiner of the cases of our promotion, for giving us the opportunity to publish our cases in this prestigious website. I would like to take this opportunity to also thank all my professors of the Master of Orthodontics, especially to Dr. Saúl González, who guided me in a very correct way in the resolution of this case (which my colleague Luis González began) and to Dr. Enrique Solano Reina for giving me the opportunity to train with him and to belong to this great family.
Greetings to all.