Complex case handled with FAS
Dear Colleagues, I am honoured to present a new treatment concept in the FACE Philosophy—the FAS aligner system. Dr. Domingo Martin and I have been working tirelessly since 2020 together with Forestadent to make it the best aligner system in the market. FACE treatment goals and FACE desire for excellence remain intact. FAS is designed so that all users can obtain the quality of FACE treatment predictably, and patients have excellent results in record time. I present this case as an example. The reason for treatment was crowding of the lower teeth, and we all know how complex these cases can be. The case was treated by changing the arch form with FAS. Orthodontics was assisted with corticotomies of the posterior segments. The total duration of treatment was 220 days. I was never able to achieve the FACE treatment goals in such a short treatment time with a classic treatment approach using brackets. The first 20 sets of aligners were FAS Hard track® and the second set consisted of 12 Soft track® aligners.Aligners were changed every 5 days in the first phase and every 10 days in the second stage. Between phases we STOP and GO, when we scan the patient intra-treatment and send the models to plan the next stage with maximum precision.
Thank you very much for your comments.
Estimados colegas, tengo el honor de presentar un nuevo concepto de tratamiento en la Filosofía FACE: el sistema de alineadores FAS. El Dr. Domingo Martín y yo trabajamos incansablemente desde 2020 junto con Forestadent para convertirlo en el mejor sistema de alineadores del mercado. Los objetivos del tratamiento y la búsqueda de excelencia de FACE permanecen intactos. FAS está diseñado para que todos los usuarios puedan obtener la calidad del tratamiento FACE de manera predecible, y los pacientes obtengan excelentes resultados en un tiempo récord. Presento este caso como ejemplo. El motivo del tratamiento fue el apiñamiento de los dientes inferiores, y todos sabemos lo complejos que pueden ser estos casos. El caso se trató cambiando la forma de arcada con FAS. La ortodoncia fue asistida con corticotomías de los segmentos posteriores. La duración total del tratamiento fue de 220 días. Nunca pude lograr los objetivos del tratamiento FACE en un tiempo de tratamiento tan corto con un enfoque de tratamiento clásico con brackets. Los primer juego de 20 alineadores fue FAS Hard track® y el segundo juego constó de 12 alineadores Soft track®. Los alineadores se cambiaron cada 5 días en la primera fase y cada 10 días en la segunda etapa. Entre fases hacemos STOP y GO: Escaneamos al paciente intratratamiento y enviamos los modelos para planificar la siguiente etapa con la máxima precisión.
Muchas gracias por tus comentarios.
Featured clinical cases
A good result is always preceded by a good diagnosis and ours, are exhaustive. Orthodontics cannot be understood without taking into account the entire ectomatognathic system; teeth are just one of all the structures to consider.
FACE International meeting
It’s so nice to announce our FACE Revolution International Meeting. After a break of almost 18 months, we are again very excited about organizing the next FACE Revolution Meeting.
We are preparing it with great care and enthusiasm. You can’t imagine our desire to meet our friends and have a face-to-face meeting. The screens and online courses are fine, but there is nothing like gathering, enjoying the friendship and seeing each other again.
I want to thank you very much for your patience, since we had to postpone the meeting twice, but trust us it was worth the wait.
We hope to see you in Madrid and do not forget that “treatment mechanics is still the key to success for excellent orthodontics: with or without aligners”.